SE Health & Wellbeing Newsletter – July 2020

Welcome to the first Social Enterprise Health & Wellbeing Newsletter arriving in your inbox from Social Enterprise Network Scotland. This is our official new name since merging with Social Firms Scotland at the start of the month.  

We kicked off the month with a Community Food SEN Session ‘The Value of Collaboration in Food Provision’. In addition to hearing inspiring examples from West Lothian and Glasgow, there was lively discussion on wider practical experiences – Note of Key Issues.  Adding to this conversation, here’s a great article on the Edinburgh experience addressing Covid-19. 

Later in the month we held an All SEN Session: Supporting Staff Mental Health & Wellbeing, with The Wee Retreat CIC providing a Mindfulness taster and presentations from Grassmarket Community Project and Bridging A Gap / Rural Mental Health Forum.  A recording of the session is now available here.   

Unfortunately the Mindfulness taster isn’t included in the recording, however you can find out more about the new online service being developed by The Wee Retreat here (if interested get in touch with Vicky by the end of this week). 

All the best, 


Learning & Knowledge Exchange Opportunities  

Employability SEN session: Thursday 30th July (11) 

Find out more about the new DWP framework, CAEHRS – a new method for contracting employment support for individuals to access, retain and progress in employment and about Start Scotland/Fedcap’s – who are looking to bid for the Scottish lot  - approach to working in partnership.  Contact Jayne to book your place.  

Next Rural SEN meeting (Tuesday 18th August)  

Hosted by Inspiralba, the Rural SEN has a steadily increasing membership. A note of the previous Rural SEN meeting is available on the Rural Social Enterprise Hub.  Contact Ailsa to find out more.   

Employability SEN session: Covid-19 Labour Market Insights with Skills Development Scotland (Wednesday 13th August, 10.30am) 

We will be joined by Phil Ford, Skills Planning Lead at SDS who will provide us with up to date evidence on the projected impact of Covid-19 on Scotland’s economy, business and people, the implications for the skills and labour market and the SDS response, with opportunity for questions and open discussion.  Contact Jayne to book your place. 

All SEN Session: Flexible Working & Mental Wellbeing (Monday 24th August, 3pm)  

This session will explore flexible working as one of the ways to support staff mental health & wellbeing as organisations move towards Phase 4.  During Lockdown and earlier Phases, social enterprises shared their concerns about the impact of covid-19 on the mental health & wellbeing of their workforce, also recognising that further issues will undoubtedly emerge as we move forward towards a ‘new normal’ and the uncertainties that will accompany this.  Flexible working is just one way to support employees whilst also benefiting the organisation by improving performance and building resilience.  Contact Mary to register / find out more.   

DigiShift – Food for Thought (Tuesday 25th August, 2pm) 

Hosted by Third Sector Lab and SCVO Digital, this session is for organisations working on food projects and will look at how you can deliver services digitally. More info

Ageing Well: 4th Virtual Talk with the Open University (Wednesday 2nd September, 11am) 

Voluntary Health Scotland (VHS), along with the Open University are holding the fourth in a series of joint online events exploring ageing, health and wellbeing. More info.    

Joint Sport and Health SEN Session: Using Sport and Physical Activity to Promote Positive Mental Health (Provisional Save the Date – Wednesday 9th September, 10am) 

Physical activity has been shown to have a strong and positive impact on mental wellbeing. Many social enterprises are already using sport and physical activity as a tool to promote positive mental health, and many have indicated that this is something they would like to start or do more of in future. This session will focus on how to use sport and physical activity to improve mental health & wellbeing within communities. We will hear from various speakers about their approach and the support which exists to help organisations develop programmes and initiatives on this topic. There will also be an interactive Q&A, the opportunity for general discussion and to share experiences. For more info contact Jude.  

Community Learning Exchange Programme 20/21  

The CLE programme has been reconfigured so that it can be delivered via distance virtual or applications. As many organisations have developed expertise in working under new, and ever changing, conditions, there has been a requirement to learn how best to manage their organisations under these same circumstances. Applications to the CLE will now be invited by social enterprises that have experience, expertise or knowledgewhich they are able and willing to share with other groups (as opposed to applications from groups that are keen to learn from visiting other organisations).  If you are interested in hosting a CLE, contact Mary. 

Previous session recordings & summaries that may be of interest 

Voluntary Health Scotland: Digitally Healthy- Health Literacy and Health Inequalities 

VHS Key Messages Report & presentation from NES Digital Service.  

NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Transformational Redesign Webinar Session on Community Led Approaches 

Flash Report on Community Led Approaches – COVID-19: Health and Social Care Learning in Scotland  

Obesity Action Scotland & Public Health Scotland’s session on COVID-19: Food, diet and health weight: community centred ideas for Scotland’s whole system recovery. Session recording.  

SEN Member News 

Fablevision are still recording interviews (gratis) via Zoom on how social enterprises are coping and adapting to the Covid19 crisis. If anyone would like to be interviewed to tell their story, then they’d be happy to hear from you. Contact Ed Hart if interested.  

Outside of the Box are developing a resources with & for community providers and groups to help them respond to COVID-19. Read more about Committed to Good Support.  

Punjabi Junction have shared this timeline that brilliantly illustrates 100 DAYS OF SIKH SANJOG RESPONSE TO COVID-19, providing services to a range of service users, including older people, families and young people.  View Infographic. 

Castlemilk Together: Community Food Action – A fantastic new initiative to tackle loneliness and isolation among older people and make them better connected has been launched in Castlemilk.  More info 

Feel the Warmth are now making technical micro snoods, as many people find this style of face covering is more comfortable and doesn’t move when you’re talking. A range of sizes available (kids & adults) for £9.99, with a special opening offer of 20% discount available now. More info. 

Get Active Coaching CIC are a new social enterprise promoting health & wellbeing through sport and exercise. Find out more on their latest projects (a new online exercise programme and family physical activity packs) here.  

Mid Argyll Community Pool have had a huge boost in their plans to transform MACPool into a Health & Wellbeing Community Hub, with the news this week that they’ve been awarded a £700k National Lottery Community Fund grant. More info. 

Edinburgh Community Food are running a series of REHIS Eating Well for Older People courses from August to September, with these being FREE and open to all across the UK.  More info & dates. 

Won Connect have created their own YouTube channel that aims to help non-technical individuals to get tips and tutorials online. Check it out here

Roar, Connections for Life’s Nicola Hanssen features as ROSPA’s Guest Blog, sharing insight to her experience of ‘Living and Learning’ through COVID-19. Read blog.   

Talking Mats are offering a 30% discount, up to 50% for students, on their Training & Digital Talking Mats. Courses starting on 11th Aug, 8th Sep, 22nd Sep and 3rd Nov 2020.  Our Digital Talking Mats offer has been extended until the end of December 2020.  Check out their blogs (part 1 & part 2) to find out how people have continued working remotely using Digital Talking Mats  They have also created a free resource to help support conversations around different experiences of Lockdown.  Contact Talking Mats

Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) launched their new fruit and vegetable box delivery service in April 2020, which has gained huge popularity in Aberdeen. By ordering your weekly produce from CFINE, you will invest into their development work in priority communities across the Northeast. More info.  

Other News 

The National Wellbeing Hub was launched by the Scottish Government a couple of months ago and is aimed at Scotland’s health & social care workforce. Highlighting that COVID-19 has shone a light on the exceptional health & social care work done every day and recognising that much pressure accompanies this, the website was created to provide advice and information to support workers’ emotional and psychological wellbeing. This includes social enterprise and the wider third sector, so we’d be interested in hearing your feedback. Contact Mary

New CHEX briefing – The Right Foundations. 

This latest briefing focuses on asking a key question –  “What if we applied the same principles behind our response to coronavirus to tackling health inequalities and climate change?”  

Right to Food Consultation  

Scottish Labour MSP Elaine Smith recently launched a public consultation on a proposal for a bill that seeks to enshrine the human right to food into Scots law. The consultation will run for until 15 September 2020. Nourish Scotland are writing a guide to responding to the consultation and are planning to run a series of workshops in August. Contact Stephanie if you’re interested in getting involved.  

Community Food Health Scotland (CFHS) have pulled together a Snapshot of Covid-10 food insecurity and community food initiatives that have happened and looked at what can be learned from this. More info.  

‘Collective Purchasing’ Initiative Pilot 

Senscot is currently exploring piloting a ‘collective purchasing’ initiative in one locality, which would involve Senscot signing up to purchase items which social enterprises commonly require through Scotland Excel’s frameworks. This could include PPE, cleaning products or a range of other items. We would be grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete this survey, which will help us assess demand for the service. 

Rural SEN survey  

The provision of local access and progression routes, particularly in light of the impact of Covid19 on youth unemployment, are vital to give young people the choice to remain in their rural communities, rather than having to migrate to urban centres for employment and further education. To get a better understanding of what social enterprises could offer and the composition of both past and future opportunities, the Rural SEN is carrying out this short survey.  

Tender & Funding Opportunities 

Go to Partnership for Procurement (P4P) and Public Contract Scotland to check current and forthcoming tender opportunities.  

Some current relevant funding opportunities highlighted below, but for fuller listings go to SCVO-funding. 

Firstport’s Social Entrepreneurs Fund (SEF) now has 3 funds open:
Pounds for Purpose – £500 awards if you are aged 16-26 and want to put an idea that creates a positive impact into action. 

Start It – Up to £5000 towards the start-up costs of your social enterprise idea. 

Build It- Up to £25,000 if you have tried and tested a social enterprise idea and want to turn it into your full-time job.  

GSK IMPACT Awards:  Winners receive core funding of up to £40K and access to training and development, your organisation must be at least 3 years old and working in a health-related field.  Deadline – 14 September  

Third Sector Resilience Fund is still open – please apply ASAP 

Latest Tweets

Social Entrepreneurs Network Scotland (Senscot) is registered as a Scottish charity under Scottish Charity No. SC029210 and as a limited company under Company Registration No. SC278156. Its registered office is at 41 Miller Street, Glasgow.

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Vestibulum ullamcorper mauris at ligula. Vivamus euismod mauris. Fusce fermentum odio nec arcu. Sed libero. Aenean posuere, tortor sed cursus feugiat, nunc augue blandit nunc, eu sollicitudin urna dolor sagittis lacus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce id purus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Sed hendrerit. Praesent vestibulum dapibus nibh. Fusce a quam.


Latest Tweets

Social Entrepreneurs Network Scotland (Senscot) is registered as a Scottish charity under Scottish Charity No. SC029210 and as a limited company under Company Registration No. SC278156. Its registered office is at 41 Miller Street, Glasgow.